Monday 19 July 2010

Too busy to blog

I'm sorry!

I've rejected my blog for a good few weeks/months, and I know I deserve a slap on the wrist for it. But I have been busy - just so busy that I've not had the time to blog or take photos of all my hard work.

I've booked myself in for 2 craft fayres which are happening within a week of each other. The first is a local hospital fayre, they're expecting around 45 stalls and weather permitting should have a rather good turn out.

The second is the Gorleston Clifftop Festival - a yearly event which sees a good few thousand people flock to the small seaside town for a weekend of music, crafts and entertainment. I'm in the craft arena along with 15 or so other stalls.

I find that as it's creeping up on me I'm getting more and more nervous. Firstly due to these being my first actual craft fayres - I've sold at car boots and online, but this is like the daddy of sales, and secondly because I'm still new to this, I've not been sewing or making things for very long and as they're all things I've made i find that I'm very critical and really don't know if they'll appeal to the masses or if people will think they're well made. You see so many crafts out there which are perfect and beautiful and pristine, my stuff isn't - which is probably the appeal of it really, but i do find myself comparing it to these intricate things people have spent days and days trawling over and crafting and planning, mine come together in a few hours.

I suppose the most I'm hoping for is to gain my pitch money back, anything on top of that will be a bonus and will be heading straight to the wedding pot.

Wish me luck

Tuesday 4 May 2010

A good few days of sewing

It feels like I've not made anything in a long time :(

This makes me sad

However, I've got the joys of having all of my wisdom teeth extracted on Thursday - eek. I've been told that it's likely I'll need a good few days off work to recover which I intend on using to create, sew and make to my hearts content whilst my swelling a bruising goes down!

Hopefully there's be lots of nice new pictures up here soon.

Keep checking back, and wish me luck for Thursday

Sam xxx

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Argh, the office has been manic recently, and as my boss and his business partner have been in it's been somewhat harder to sneek online and post an update!

We've been carbooting and I've been selling Mamfs on Folksy - 9 sold in total - Yay!

I've not made too many recently, although hope to change that over the next few days. I did however get time to put together a clown... He'll be on Folksy as soon as I've been able to upload some better pics of him...

Excitingly for me, I've finally booked our wedding photogrpahers, we've gone for a couple who work as a team on the day following us from the beginning to the first dance - we've got the fun of arranging a pre-wed shoot now - eee!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

I'm back

Firstly, sorry for teh break in posts and the recent lack of Mamfs, I was a poorly monkey due to a tooth infection and flu issues, but I'm back now!

The production of new Mamfs hasn't been as fruitful as I'd hoped, but I'm getting back into the swing of it, I think having sooo much material has lead to a mini overwhelm of my senses and I didn't know where to start with it all!

There's two new Mamfs which are heading to the Folksy site next, firstly 'Sad Sacks' a miserable looking mamf who's in need of some love and attention;

Secondly there's 'Zippit' a bunny whose mouth can be zipped up whenever you feel like it... I'd love to know your thoughts, hopefully there'll be some more up soon :)

Ooh, also 'Zippit' is the first mamf to have a tag on him....

Tuesday 30 March 2010

So much happening!

I've been a busy (and poorly) bee t- hese past couple of days. I've completed 5 toys and a fox scarf - which is by far my favourite thing ever!

I've also sold 2 creations on my folksy site -

- a pirate and a tattered ted. I'm sooo happy! People actually do like what I do.

Add to all of this a night out, a swollen face, hours at the hospital and a tooth infection I think I've done pretty well!

Let me know what you think

Sam xxx

Wednesday 24 March 2010

2 posts - 1 day & 2 toys - 1 day

Cor have I been a busy bee in the office today - no actual office work done, but 1 dinosaurus complete and anther yeti almost complete (just need a face for him!)

Hopefully I'll get something else done this evening! - I'm on a roll!

A foot pedal and a Yeti!

This is my Yeti!
He took a couple of days to finish an dis my biggest monster yet, He's slightly rough around the edges but it's our faults that make us more lovable!
I made him from some fur my friend Tony bought me for my birthday and I'm completely smitten by him. That's the trouble with making things like this, I like them so much that I never want to sell them, but if I don't sell them, we don't get pennies for the wedding...
Hmmm.... wedding.... toys.... wedding.... toys.... It's a tough one, but I'd probably go for the wedding, I've always got photos to remember the toys by! Hopefully, I'll have a husband for life!
Anyway, I finally get the use of a decent sewing machine tonight - everything recently has been hand stitched. On the weekend my mother bought up her old sewing machine for me to use, only to realise when she got it here, that she'd forgotten the foot pedal! Thankfully she's shipped it up so I'll be trying the old machine out tonight - wish me luck!
I'm currently working on a dinosaur who's proving to be trickier than first imagined, although hopefully I'll get him finished this afternoon. Will post pics soon!
Sam x

Monday 22 March 2010

Weekend off

I'm back in the office after a weekend off of work and off of making things.

It was my birthday, so the time just flew by. I celebrated on Saturday with a birthday Scavenger Hunt, A group of friends and I all met at 10:30 in our local pub for breakfast, then all split up into teams to complete 50 challenges which broke down into the categories of 'find it' 'make it' 'do it' and 'photo it'. Everyone was donned in hideous outfits from various charity shops in the area and spent the day persuading OAPs to pose reading porn mags, creating inappropriate cakes, climbing in trollies and drinking! Here's some of my teams antics...

Top - Defusing a Jager Bomb
Middle - Our 'outfits'
Bottom Left - OAP reading porn and a bald head being polished
Bottom Right - 5 different ways to eat a cream egg
We ended up back at our house where we drank some more and everyone raved about the current collection of Mamfs!

Yesterday I would've loved to have sewn but I was feeling a little uninspired (and hungover) so me and the H2B had a relaxing one watching films, eating bad foods and enjoying each others company!

I'm back in the zone today though and after being bought some lovely material for my birthday and having all of the charity shops wears to cut up and make into Mamfs I'm raring to go. I just wish the office day would go quicker!

Friday 19 March 2010


While the H2B lay on the sofa falling asleep last night, I hand stitched this little bunny.

She's called Beatrice and is slightly puzzled as to her lack of arms, despite this she's always willing to be there if you need a cuddle!

I'm debating whether to launch an online shop for some of these, I do feel they're getting better (or at the very least my sewing is) on a daily basis and there's been a lot of interest from people on social networking sites. If nothing else it'll raise a few more pennies for our wedding ;)

Thursday 18 March 2010

First Post...


I'm Sam and I make 'Mamfs' - A collection of one-off tatty teddies, monsters, dolls and strange creations.

I will strive to get some better photographs up here and will update whenever I make a new one (hopefully on a daily basis)

I hope you enjoy them xxx