Wednesday 28 April 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Argh, the office has been manic recently, and as my boss and his business partner have been in it's been somewhat harder to sneek online and post an update!

We've been carbooting and I've been selling Mamfs on Folksy - 9 sold in total - Yay!

I've not made too many recently, although hope to change that over the next few days. I did however get time to put together a clown... He'll be on Folksy as soon as I've been able to upload some better pics of him...

Excitingly for me, I've finally booked our wedding photogrpahers, we've gone for a couple who work as a team on the day following us from the beginning to the first dance - we've got the fun of arranging a pre-wed shoot now - eee!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

I'm back

Firstly, sorry for teh break in posts and the recent lack of Mamfs, I was a poorly monkey due to a tooth infection and flu issues, but I'm back now!

The production of new Mamfs hasn't been as fruitful as I'd hoped, but I'm getting back into the swing of it, I think having sooo much material has lead to a mini overwhelm of my senses and I didn't know where to start with it all!

There's two new Mamfs which are heading to the Folksy site next, firstly 'Sad Sacks' a miserable looking mamf who's in need of some love and attention;

Secondly there's 'Zippit' a bunny whose mouth can be zipped up whenever you feel like it... I'd love to know your thoughts, hopefully there'll be some more up soon :)

Ooh, also 'Zippit' is the first mamf to have a tag on him....